For deeper exposure to the language and topics in the course, In Focus provides suggestions for additional media relating to each unit. In order to avoid regional accessibility issues, this is in the form of a list of titles below, not web links.
If you have suggestions for alternative media links that complement a unit's target theme and are accessible in your region, we would be delighted to receive your recommendations. Your input helps enhance the learning experience for all users.
The first link is the one provided in the textbook (at the bottom of the first page of the unit). All other links are additional ones provided by the authors here for further study.
"The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" (2011)
A fun and funny documentary that asks the question "is it possible to fund a movie using only the money you get from products and product placements. It is directed by Morgan Spurlock, creator of the hit documentary "Super Size Me".
"What Women Want" (2000)
A romantic comedy about advertising. Starring Mel Gibson as a sexist ad executive who, through a freak accident, can suddenly read women's minds, it drives home the message of how important it is for ad professionals to understand their intended audience.
"You're Soaking in It" (2017)
A documentary that examines the current advertising climate, revealing how data is tracked and analyzed to help marketers target people with online ads.
"The Great Hack" (2019)
A documentary film about the Facebook- Cambridge Analytica scandal that discusses the use and misuse of personal data on the internet for everything from targeted online advertising to news and information.
"Free Solo" (2018)
An Academy Award winning documentary about Alex Honnold's amazing attempt to free solo climb El Capitain (no ropes no help), considered to be one of the great physical achievements in human history.
"Being Evel" (2015)
A documentary about Evel Knievel who became famous in the 60s and 70s for doing death-defying stunts on motorcycles. The fact that many of his records still stand today is a testament to the boundaries he pushed at every opportunity.
"The Armstrong Lie" (2013)
A documentary about Lance Armstrong, who won 7 Tour de France titles but then was stripped of them all and banned for life from the sport for doping.
"Bad Sport" (2021)
A Netflix true-crime series that focuses on some of the biggest controversies and scandals in sports. Each episode focuses on an individual scandal, and each involved a different sport.
"Plan 75" (2021)
A film by Chie Hayakawa about a fictional plan for voluntary paid suicide for people over 75 as a way of controlling Japan's aging population. Shot in the present day, the film feels more like a documentary than science fiction.
"The True Cost of Aging" (2021)
A short 12 minute film produced by the Economist which discusses the growing number of the elderly in developed countries (3x as many as in 1950) and the burdens this places on modern societies.
"Groundhog Day" (1993)
A well-known and beloved comedy movie about a weatherman that is forced to live the same day over and over again. Because he retains all his memories he achieves a kind of immortality, allowing the fim to deeply explore the question of "Do you want to live forever?".
"Extra Life" (2021)
A four-part PBS series that examines the advances in science and medicine which have beat some of the world's deadliest diseases and doubled the life span for many around the world.
"Wall-E" (2008)
A Pixar movie that shows a world where humans have relied on robots so much that they can hardly do anything for themselves anymore.
"Hi A.I." (2019)
A prize-winning documentary that explores the bonds between humans and humanoid machines and asks the question how do we live together with artificial intelligence?
"In the Age of AI" (2019)
A PBS documentary that explores how AI is changing many aspects of our lives from jobs to privacy to international relations.
"Americonned" (2023)
A documentary that looks at the huge impact automation and artificial intelligence are having on jobs in the United States.
"Test Subjects" (2019)
An award-winning documentary which considers the pressure on aspiring scientists to experiment on animals in order to earn their diplomas.
"I am Legend" (2007)
A science-fiction zombie movie where almost all of humanity has been wiped out by a man-made disease and a doctor played by Will Smith experiments on rats to try to find a cure for the disease.
"Babe" (1995)
A heartwarming movie that tells the tale of a pig who tries to prove that his life is worth more than being the holiday meal.
"Blackfish" (2013)
An award-winning documentary that goes behind the scenes at SeaWorld parks to expose the suffering, neglect and abuse of various sea animals including Orcas.
"Wikipedia and the Democratization of Knowledge" (2021)
A German documentary film which examines the 20-year history of Wikipedia. An English subtitled version is available from their website.
"Truth in Numbers" (2010)
A documentary which looks at the cultural and historical implications of having an online user-editable dictionary like Wikipedia.
"The Murdochs: Empire of Influence" (2022)
A 7-part documentary that explores the influence of Rupert Murdoch and his family's media empire.
"Broadcast News" (1987)
A multi-Academy Award nominated romantic comedy which sheds light about the TV news gathering and reporting process.
The first link is the one provided in the textbook (at the bottom of the first page of the unit). All other links are additional ones provided by the authors here for further study.
"Mother Tongue" (2008)
A BBC documentary that dives into the roots and evolution of the English language.
"English Vinglish" (2012)
While not a documentary, this Indian comedy-drama film subtly discusses the global spread and importance of English as it tells the story of a woman who is insecure because of her inability to speak and understand English.
"Planet Word" (2011)
Presented by Stephen Fry, this BBC documentary series is a five-part exploration of the world of language and linguistics, including the English language.
"Speaking in Tongues" (2009)
This film follows four diverse kids on a journey to become bilingual in the 21st century.
"The Linguists" (2008)
This documentary follows two linguists as they journey around the world to document languages on the brink of extinction.
"Vanishing Voices" (2007)
This film explores the impending loss of half the world's languages and the efforts to document these languages before they vanish.
"Demographic Winter: The Decline of the Human Family" (2008)
This documentary explores how declining birth rates might impact societies and economies in the future.
"The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity" (2004)
This film discusses the decline in birth rates in relation to economic prosperity.
"Misconception" (2014)
This film by Jessica Yu tackles issues related to global population and fertility, including both overpopulation in some areas and declining fertility rates in others.
"Soylent Green" (1973)
Although it's a dystopian thriller rather than a documentary, this film's premise is based on a future suffering from pollution, overpopulation, depleted resources, poverty, dying oceans, and a hot climate due to the greenhouse effect.
"Planet of Humans" (2020)
This documentary, produced by Michael Moore, raises controversial questions about overpopulation and the environmental footprint of renewable energy.
"Population Boom" (2013)
This Austrian documentary investigates the truth behind the notion of overpopulation, and whether it's a real problem or a myth.
"Icarus" (2017)
An Oscar-winning documentary about doping in sports, particularly focusing on the state-sponsored doping in Russia.
"The Armstrong Lie" (2013)
This documentary focuses on the life of cyclist Lance Armstrong and his downfall following his admission of doping.
"Screwball" (2018)
This documentary tells the story of the Biogenesis doping scandal, which implicated several high-profile Major League Baseball players.
"Broke" (2012)
This ESPN 30 for 30 documentary explores the reasons why many professional athletes often squander their large salaries and end up bankrupt.
"Schooled: The Price of College Sports" (2013)
This documentary highlights the commercial and financial realities of college athletics.
"Moneyball" (2011)
Although not strictly about athlete salaries, this film discusses the economics of assembling a competitive baseball team on a limited budget.
"An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power" (2017)
A follow-up to "An Inconvenient Truth," this documentary addresses the progress made to tackle the problem of climate change and Al Gore's global efforts to persuade governmental leaders to invest in renewable energy.
"Planet of the Humans" (2020)
This controversial documentary produced by Michael Moore criticizes the renewable energy industry, claiming it's just as corrupt as the fossil fuel industry.
"Time to Choose" (2015)
Directed by Charles Ferguson, this documentary addresses the challenges of climate change and potential solutions.
"The Great Global Warming Swindle" (2007)
This British documentary film suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether global warming is caused by human-produced CO2 emissions.
"Climate Hustle" (2016)
This documentary criticizes the mainstream scientific consensus about climate change and suggests that climate change is driven more by solar activity than human activity.
"An Inconsistent Truth" (2012)
This film is a response to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and argues against the idea that human activity is causing global warming.
"The Illusionists" (2015)
This documentary explores how global advertising and marketing industries propagate unattainable beauty standards.
"The Swimsuit Issue" (2008)
This Swedish comedy-drama deals with a group of men's synchronized swimming team and subtly discusses the ideal of beauty and body image in society.
"The Eye Has to Travel" (2011)
This documentary about Diana Vreeland, the iconic fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, provides insight into the changing ideals of beauty during her tenure.
"Addicted to Plastic Surgery" (2011)
This documentary series examines the lives of individuals who feel an overwhelming need to continuously alter their bodies through cosmetic surgery.
"Take My Nose... Please!" (2017)
A look at the pressures on women to maintain their youth and beauty in the face of a society obsessed with outward appearance. It studies the role of comedy in allowing women to speak the truth about their fears of aging.
"Seoul Train" (2015)
This Vice documentary looks at the growing trend of plastic surgery in South Korea, a country with the highest rate of surgeries per capita.
"Forks Over Knives" (2011)
This documentary emphasizes the importance of a plant-based diet for health, looking at the profound claim that most, if not all, of the chronic diseases that afflict us can be controlled or even reversed by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.
"Vegucated" (2011)
This documentary follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks.
"The Game Changers" (2018)
A documentary that debunks the myth that meat is necessary for protein, strength, and optimal health, focusing on athletes who thrive on plant-based diets.
"Food, Inc." (2008)
This documentary critiques the industrial production of meat, grains, and vegetables, advocating for more humane and sustainable alternatives.
"Forks Over Knives" (2011)
The film advocates for a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet as a means of combating a number of health problems associated with diet and lifestyle.
"Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret" (2014)
This documentary explores the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and investigates the policies of environmental organizations on this issue.
The first link is the one provided in the textbook (at the bottom of the first page of the unit). All other links are additional ones provided by the authors here for further study.
"The Eagle Huntress" (2016)
A beautifully filmed documentary about a 13-year-old Mongolian girl who, with the help of a supportive father, challenges the exclusively male arena of eagle hunting.
"Hidden Figures" (2016)
A true story of how a group of female African American mathematicians played a vital role in the early days of NASA's space program and the prejudice they endured doing it.
"Elizabeth" (1998)
A biographical film that portrays the rise of Elizabeth I, who became the beloved Queen of England during a time when power was controlled exclusively by men. From the establishment of the American colonies to the works of Shakespeare, the Elizabethan Era was marked by military, cultural, and economic success.
"Love Around the World" (2021)
A documentary filmed by a newly married couple from Croatia during a 15-month journey around the world, sharing 33 different stories about love and marriage.
"Extreme Engagement" (2019)
An 8-part Netflix miniseries following an engaged couple as they travel the world to explore marriage customs in diverse cultures.
"Brave Blue World" (2020)
Narrated by Liam Neeson and featuring Matt Damon, is an honest and hopeful documentary about the world water crisis told through the stories of people who are living with it every day, painting an optimistic picture of how we have the knowhow to solve this problem.
"Blue Gold – World Water Wars" (2012)
A documentary film narrated by Macolm McDowell about the environmental and political implications of the planet's ever decreasing water supply.
"Chinatown" (1974)
A film which was inspired by the California water wars, a series of disputes over southern California water at the beginning of the 20th century, by which Los Angeles interests secured water rights in the Owens Valley.
"Racing Distinction" (2015)
A documentary which draws attention to mankind's role in the loss of at least half of the world's species as well as the efforts from scientists, activists, and journalists to document it.
"Chasing Coral" (2017)
A film which documents the bleaching and death of coral, home to the place where earth's greatest biodiversity occurs.
"Atomic Hope" (2022)
Follows the movement of global activists who believe that nuclear power is our best hope for fighting climate change.
"2040" (2019)
A documentary by award-winning director Damon Gameau. Concerned about his daughter's future, he travels the world in search of new and better solutions to combat the problems of climate change.
"Down to Earth with Zac Effron" (2020)
A Netflix documentary series which follows Zac Effron as he travels the world discussing nature, green energy and sustainable and healthy living practices.
"The Deceptive Promise of Free Trade" (2018)
A short documentary that visits Germany, Switzerland, the US, and Cameroon to ask if free trade is really free and what role superpowers such as the US, China and the EU play in global trade.
"The Pursuit" (2019)
An American Economics Institute (AEI) documentary that shows how free market capitalization has decreased the number of people living in starvation since 1970 by more than 80% and has made the US one of the most prosperous nations on earth.
"Zapatista" (1999)
A documentary that discusses the push back against globalization in Chiapas, a state in Southeastern Mexico. Thousands of indigenous people stood up against global corporate power.
"The End of Certainties" (2020)
A documentary that goes behind the scenes of the International Economic Forum of the Americas, an annual gathering of economists, financiers and politicians who discuss the future of the world. (https://www.nfb.ca/film/end-of-certainties/)
"Capital in the Twenty-First Century" (2019)
This documentary is an adaptation of French economist Thomas Piketty's groundbreaking book of the same name. It provides a journey through wealth and power, and breaks down the popular assumption that the accumulation of capital runs hand in hand with social progress, shining a new light on the world we live in.
"Saving Capitalism" (2017)
Featuring Robert Reich, a former U.S. Secretary of Labor, this documentary looks at America's widening income gap and explores the crumbling economic system from various perspectives. Reich demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy.
"Inequality for All" (2013)
Another film featuring Robert Reich, this documentary discusses the ever-widening income inequality in the United States. This passionate argument on behalf of the middle class invites viewers to think about the issue of wealth disparity and its devastating effects on the U.S. economy.
"The Divide" (2015)
Inspired by the critically acclaimed, best-selling book "The Spirit Level," this documentary highlights the growing inequality gap, delving into seven real lives to paint a picture of how economic division creates social division. It's a UK-based perspective, but the issues are applicable globally.
"The Amazon Empire, The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos" (2022)
A PBS documentary on how Jeff Bezos built Amazon from a small company in his garage to one of the biggest and most successful online businesses in the world.
"So Long Superstores" (2021)
A documentary that looks at the history of the superstore from their origins in the 60s, to their dominance in the 90s and 2000s, and the challenges they currently face from online retailers.
"WAL-TOWN The Film" (2006)
A documentary about 6 students who visit 36 Wal-Mart stores across Canada. They try to raise awareness of Wal-Mart's business practices, their effect on small towns, and one company's dominance in the retail market.
"The New Normal" (2020)
This is a documentary that explores how businesses, educators, and parents were forced to adapt to working from home and virtual schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. It tells the story of resilience and innovation in the face of unprecedented challenges.
"Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere" (2021)
Inspired by Harvard Business School Professor Tsedal Neeley's book of the same name, this documentary highlights the advantages and challenges of remote work. It provides a roadmap for individuals, teams, and organizations to leverage the power of virtual collaboration for increased productivity and innovation.
"Staying Home" (2020)
This short film, created during the COVID-19 lockdown, humorously portrays a man's struggle to adjust to the new reality of working from home. The film also touches on the themes of isolation, technology addiction, and work-life balance.
"Work from Home: The New Normal" (2021)
This documentary investigates the future of work, focusing on how the COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed our workplaces and work habits. Featuring interviews with a variety of industry leaders and experts, it discusses the evolution of telecommuting, the future of office spaces, and the potential impacts on productivity and mental health.
"Web Junkie" (2014)
A New York Times documentary that follows three Chinese teenagers in an addiction treatment clinic. In 2008, China classified internet addiction as a clinical disorder. These rehabilitation centers use behavioral techniques to help reconnect the patients to reality.
"Not a Game" (2020)
A Netflix documentary that takes an honest look at our relationship with video games from both the gamers as well as the parents perspective.
"The Social Dilemma" (2020)
This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. It focuses on the manipulative mechanisms behind social media platforms and how they are causing a crisis in human society and mental health.
"The Great Hack" (2019)
This documentary uncovers the dark world of data exploitation through the personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data scandal. It explores how personal data was used to influence public opinion during political campaigns, including the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.
"Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened" (2019)
This is a behind-the-scenes look at the infamous unraveling of the Fyre music festival. Set in the context of our increasingly digital and image-obsessed culture, it tells the story of a festival that was promoted as a luxury experience through social media influencers but ended in disaster.
"Fake Famous" (2021)
This documentary delves into the influencer industry, taking an experimental approach by turning three people with relatively small followings into famous Instagram influencers. It is a commentary on the illusions and pretenses that social media can create.